My Book
No-Body Homicide Cases: A Practical Guide to Investigating, Prosecuting and Winning Cases When the Victim is Missing

The “No Body” Guy
12 years as a Federal Homicide Prosecutor
Having been a federal homicide prosecutor for over 12 years, I have investigated, prosecuted, and consulted on hundreds of murder cases. I specialize in forensic cases, domestic murders, and “no body” cases and have tried 20 murder cases to juries including a “no body” case.
Over the past several years, I have consulted with numerous police departments and prosecutor’s offices throughout the US and Canada. I am happy to discuss your case with you and all consultations are held in strict confidence. Contact me at

Missing – Presumed Dead
This is an unpublished manuscript about the no-body murder case I tried in 2006 involving the murder of Marion Fye. I hope to publish it one day. For now, enjoy the first two chapters